Before I even begin I will quote a good
friend when I say that the experience of the Kaleo Program is beyond words! It
is something you need to experience firsthand to truly understand, but for you
who want a small preview to the year I feel privileged to be one of the few to
excite you for your adventure to begin.
fact, I would urge you to begin right now as you read this post. If I were to
be given one tip to prepare me for the year when I was at the stage you are all
at, it would have been this: to start praying and asking The Lord to begin
preparing your heart for what His has in store for you and what He desires
would come out of this year of intense teaching, spiritual formation, and spiritual
development. I believe that putting yourself in a place where God can already
start to move in your life will intensify the work He plans on doing in your
was most definitely at work in my life over this past school year at Qwanoes
and I believe He was using this work in my life to work through me and even
impact others by it. I saw this mostly with my fellow classmates and how I was
able to process everything I was learning with them and challenge them as they
challenged me in many areas of my faith and walk with The Lord. It is an
amazing feeling to be transformed by The Lord and an even more incredible feeling
when He uses that change to affect others around you.
my prayer for you is the same the Apostle Paul had for the Philippians and the
same that I have the students that have just completed the Kaleo Program and
which is: “that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of
insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and
blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that
comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God (Phil. 1:9-11).”
encourage you again to begin your journey today as you wait with excitement for
your time at Qwanoes to begin. May God keep you safe in all your endeavours
before you arrive and also that you will begin to position yourselves so that
The Lord strengthen and grow you in all you do.